Since my studio is at least slightly tidied up & organized, I wanted to do a quick video to show what it looks like. Well, yes, it still might look like a hot mess to you but, I promise, I know where everything is....almost everything anyway!
I have been know to search for quite awhile for the tool I just had in my hand 2 minutes ago! Click on the button below to sign up for updates from the studio + private sales and offers!
I don't know about you, but I have been doing quite a bit of online shopping this week. Since we have to stay home to stay safe, online is the way to go when you need something. In fact, we even had Whole Foods Market deliver groceries to us this week....AND they delivered it the same day we ordered it.
That might have to do with the fact that we live 3 blocks from Whole Foods but I can't be sure. I think I was able to do that because of Amazon Prime although, again, it's hard to be sure. Sometimes the internet is a mystery....:) Looks like I am not the only one ordering online! I had a few packages to send out last week - some cool people are looking for some cool jewelry in the mail this week! That sterling silver chain bracelet is available on my website - click here to check out all the bracelets! I made a big pot of gumbo the other day (because there is no such thing as a small pot of gumbo) and found this container of Zydeco Chop Chop ( in my pantry! I have used it a couple of times & love it - it's all natural and NO salt. Just pure dehydrated herbs and vegetables, ready to use! Perfection in a jar! Exactly what I needed to spice up that chicken & sausage gumbo!
That silver bracelet is available on my website: click here to see all the silver chain bracelets! We have not been able to get hand sanitizer since this whole crazy COVID19 thing started a few weeks back. Surprise! We got a package in the mail from the parents of our son's fiancee who live in Idaho. Apparently, they stocked up sometime back & had a little to spare! We are prepared!!!
That silver thumb ring is available on my website in all sizes! Click the button below to check out the silver stacking rings! I was in Naples, Florida last month and visited the Naples Botanical Garden for the first time ever. There was an orchid show happening and it was absolutely spectacular!! The colors of the orchids and the patterns was just amazing. What a treat!
The silver rings are available in my online store - click here to check out the silver stacking rings! A few years back, I discovered how easy it is to make sourdough bread. Since then, I make bread 1-2 times a week. I mix it up using different combinations of white and whole wheat flour, oat flour and other wonderful add-ins. My favorite is to add old fashioned oatmeal - it gives the bread a wonderful nutty sort of flavor plus a great chewy texture. So good!
That bracelet and silver stacking ring are both available in my online store. Click here to see the bracelets and here to see the stacking rings! The last time I was at the Baton Rouge Arts Market, back in February, I took photos of my jewelry on other types of art. This is a beautiful piece of pottery by Susan Rodrigue. I love the colors Susan uses in her pottery!
That silver bracelet is part of my "Jacks" jewelry collection, inspired by the childhood game of jacks! It's available in my online store - click here to see the collection! I've been mostly home for roughly a week now and, in addition to making new jewelry, I have a new found love for knitting socks! I have always wanted to learn to knit socks, but honestly, I never thought I would be able to do it. It just always seemed so complicated!
Thanks to a good friend who is a master sock knitter and the help of this most excellent book on knitting socks by Ann Budd, I have finally knit two pairs of socks and have started on the third. Yes, I have had to restart multiple times and, yes, they are far from perfect but I love and wear them so I consider that a huge win! That bracelet is available in my online store - click here to shop the silver bracelets! I remember spending a lot of time when I was a child, on a summer day, making clover chain. I think maybe girls in different parts of the country used daisy flowers to make chains. Simple fun in a simpler time!
That silver thumb ring is available on my website - classic silver rings to wear on any finger! (Sometimes called silver stacking rings.) Click here to check out the silver stack rings! (Click here if you want to take a look at the clover chain jewelry!) So the advice to drink more water to try to avoid getting the corona virus is one I can definitely get behind! I was already drinking a lot of water since I had a kidney stone last fall but I am just being sure to absolutely stay on top of it now.
In fact, I have an app that I use to track my water intake - if I don't track it, I will get busy and forget to drink & pretty soon it's 10 at night & I need to drink 30 ounces of water before bed. Not a great scenario! :) If you are interested the app is called Drink Water Reminder. I went through a couple before I found this one - it's free and it works well. That silver link bracelet is on available on the website - click the button below to shop! Love this little white ceramic dish - I bought it recently for a friend who collections frogs. She will love it! Before I put it in my stash of gifts, I tried it out with this new silver bracelet. Perfect size to keep jewelry!
The bracelet is available on my website - click here to check it out! A few weeks back, we were at an art show in Coconut Grove, Florida (back before all the art shows were canceled because of the corona virus) and, after the show we spent a few days across the peninsula in Naples.
Turns out, there was an orchid show going on at the Naples Botanical Gardens, which was amazingly beautiful. The colors and patterns on those orchids was incredible - I have really never seen anything like it. I don't know much about orchids but I know the orchids at that show were unbelievably lovely. I left there with a new found appreciation for orchids! That silver thumb ring is available on my online store - click here to take a closer look & shop! The other day, I was talking to a friend about needing some new signs to display in my booth at art shows. She suggested the possibility of a "magazine cover" lookalike so I started playing around with that idea in Canva (my fav photo editing software).
I created a LOT of so-so magazine covers but this one seemed ok. I haven't had it printed to use but I might do so. That necklace is part of the "Jacks Collection" of silver jewelry and it's available in my online store - go here to see the whole collection! These wonderful vintage books were gifted to me by a friend who was helping a friend of hers downsize last week. It's rare to get nice old books like this - can't wait to dive in & see what info these books have for me!
That silver chain bracelet is available in my online store - click here to check it out! Do you love cilantro as much as I do? I know it's kind of a love it or hate it kind of that but, I gotta say, I love it! I especially love it in homemade good. I love it so much that, on a couple of separate trips, I somehow ended up with not one, not two, but three cilantro plants. Not sure how that happened but not unhappy about it either! Bring on the quacamole!
That silver chain bracelet is on my website right now (click here to see it up close) and that cute little silver stacking ring (aka, silver thumb ring) is also in the store - click here to shop the rings! I have recently rediscovered Janet Evanovich and her girl hero, Stepanie Plum! I think I tried to read these books a few years ago but I must have not been in the mood. Now, I love these books; in fact, I have read almost all of them in the past few weeks. The only ones I have not read are on my "holds" list in my Libby app! Obsessed much - yes, I think so!
That silver thumb ring (or any finger ring) is available in my online shop - click here to take a closer look & shop! Favorite go-to sterling silver earrings, all dressed up with a little handmade ball on the ends! Lightweight & easy to wear all year long.
Click here to shop the earrings now! We were out of town for about 2 weeks a few weeks ago attending the Coconut Grove Art Festival in Miami, Florida and, while we were gone, my cousin stayed at our house for a couple of nights.
Imagine my delight when I got home, after a long day on the road, opened the freezer and found chocolate ice cream!!! I never buy ice cream for the simple reason that I'll sit and eat it until it's gone if it's in the house so this was a huge treat!!! YUM! That silver link bracelet is available now in my online store - click here if you want to shop the bracelet now! Click the button below to join my email list so that you never miss new jewelry when it hits the website! |
Hello!knitter Categories
October 2023