The past couple of months have been difficult for a lot of reasons with the result that I was feeling a little "stuck" with design ideas for jewelry. Stress is not anyone's best friends but it is especially no conducive to feeling creative or creating.
In order to get myself unstuck, I decided to get out my toys/tools and play. I started with 4" silver circles and started making shapes with the various pliers I have on hand (I know, I know, I have a lot of pliers....). I think I came up with some pretty interesting shapes, which lead to ideas for new jewelry ideas. I'll be letting these shapes/ideas percolate for a few days, then revisit. Click the button below to join my email list to follow along & catch new jewelry as soon as it hits the website!
I just thought I would share with you my obsession for jewelry making tools. I love tools. Any tool, really, but especially my super special, oh so lovely, jewelry making pliers. There are flat nosed, chain nosed, round nosed, bail making, long tapered, short tapered and everything in between - plenty that I can't think of right now but you can be sure that, I own at least one pair of every possible type. Sigh. I just love tools -what can I say?
I'll be uploading new jewelry designs to the website within the next couple of weeks - be sure to sign up for my email list so you don't miss the new stuff! Click the button to sign up!! Do you remember those carefree days of childhood, when we felt a sense of joy around the simple things we did for entertainment - like making necklaces from clover or daisy flowers? Those are the days I was thinking about when I designed this jewelry collection - I wanted to put that feeling of joy into jewelry that you could wear everyday and be reminded of another place and time as you go about your day!
Click here to shop the entire collection of daisy chain (aka clover chain) jewelry! This was one of the first peaches we got from a local market - so beautiful and they smelled wonderful!! I was really looing forward to eating these peaches .....unfortunately, although they looked and smelled great, they didn't much going for them in the taste department. I guess it's really too early in the year for truly awesome fresh peaches! We ended up chopping and freezing all our peaches - they are great in smoothies!!
That silver bracelet is on my website - available now - Click here to shop! ![]() This is literally how I start just about every piece of jewelry I make - I pull out the sterling silver wire. Oh, how I love this wire - so lovely, so many possibilities!!! All the wire I use is sterlig silver - some of it is "regular" or traditional sterling silver. For some designs I use argentium sterling silver, which is still sterling but it has a touch of germanium which keeps the silver tarnish resistant - a very desirable quality! Click here to sign up for my email list to be kept in the loop when new jewelry designs hit the website! We LOVE fresh peaches but, then again, who doesn't? We were overjoyed when the first peaches of the season appeared at our local Costco! These are from California and they are kind of slow to ripen fully but I did cut one & have it in a smoothie - so delicious!!
That silver bracelet is available on my website - click here to shop! With covid and stay-at-home orders, I was getting a little frustrated that I couldn't easily get out to the nursery to get my summer flowers. I'm not much of a gardener but I do love to keep blooming flowers in my pots on the deck. I was finally able to get to the nursery last week and feel safe about it by going as soon as they opened at 8 a.m. That's a little early for me normally but I was glad I did - I had the whole place to myself for at least 15 minutes and I had a list so I zipped in, got my flowers & got out again!
Side note, as I was leaving quite a few people were coming in & guess what? Very few of them were wearing masks...what are people thinking??? Anyway, that silver bracelet is available in my online store - click the button below to shop! I was looking through a magazine from a friend yesterday and found this incredibly beautiful art and new (to me) artist. Her art is inspired by the galaxy and photos taken by NASA and the Hubble space telescope. I am not a space savvy person at all but I am completely enthralled by the images taken with this telescope. So lush and mystical - amazing! FYI, the artist is BarbaraTakenaga....and my apologies to the artist for the bad photo - it was taken from the magazine.
-------------------------That little silver stacking ring? Available now on my website -------------------------- Click here to shop the rings! I have to admit that I am a tool junkie when it comes to tools for making or finishing jewelry.....almost anything is fair game: another hammer? Sure! How about another pair of flat nose pliers? Of course! One can (apparently) never have too many pairs of pliers or too many hammers or too many....well, you get the drift. Never. Enough.Tools.
Be well and stay safe - click here to shop the newest silver jewelry! Have you ever found a coffee mug that was just perfect in every way? The shape, the size, the color...well, for me, this is it! It happens to be made by my friend, Rocky Broome ( right here in Baton Rouge! So the temptation is almost literally right in my own backyard to buy more of this beautiful pottery. Bonus: with Rocky's pottery, you not only get an amazing and useful piece of pottery - you also get a one of a kind painting as well! Win!
Those sterling silver stacking rings are available on my website - click here to shop now! I just added a ring sizer to the shop so no more trying to guess your ring size! Big day today! I ordered these fine wheat berries from Palouse Brand in Palouse, Washington and I am ready! I have a grinder that I bought a few months ago so I'll be grinding my own wheat and using it to make sourdough bread!
I'm sure there will be a lot of trial & error but making sourdough is not hard so the new thing will be adding my own stone ground wheat. I'm guessing this wheat will be heavier so I'll have to see how much I can add without unintentionally making a doorshop! Anyway, that's the plan - I'll keep you posted - it's a grand experiment! Those silver bracelets (and lots more similar ones) are available in my online store - click here to shop the bracelets now!! |
Hello!knitter Categories
October 2023