Do you remember those carefree days of childhood, when we felt a sense of joy around the simple things we did for entertainment - like making necklaces from clover or daisy flowers? Those are the days I was thinking about when I designed this jewelry collection - I wanted to put that feeling of joy into jewelry that you could wear everyday and be reminded of another place and time as you go about your day!
Click here to shop the entire collection of daisy chain (aka clover chain) jewelry!
All sorts of ways to photograph jewelry! I was trying to see how I could photograph this necklace so that you could actually see the detail in the "jacks" components and decided to try this - getting the front of the necklace closer to the camera seems to help!
That necklace is in my online store now -click here if you want to have a closer look! The other day, I was talking to a friend about needing some new signs to display in my booth at art shows. She suggested the possibility of a "magazine cover" lookalike so I started playing around with that idea in Canva (my fav photo editing software).
I created a LOT of so-so magazine covers but this one seemed ok. I haven't had it printed to use but I might do so. That necklace is part of the "Jacks Collection" of silver jewelry and it's available in my online store - go here to see the whole collection! Spring is literally right around the corner here in south Louisiana! I went for a walk around the neighborhood yesterday and couldn't resist picking these clover flowers! Not only are they cool looking little flowers, they also are the inspiration for my "clover chain" (aka, "daisy chain") jewelry collection!
The earrings inspired by the game of jacks have been my most popular earrings for a long time (go here to see the original "jacks" earrings) but some people prefer longer earrings. Enter the jacks earrings in this new, longer length. They still look like jacks but a lot more movement & whimsy!
These new silver earrings are available in my online store now - click here to shop! Click the button below to join my email list for first look at new designs + special offers! Remember these little "Viewmaster" toys? You could put those little circle discs in with the tiny slides & see the small scenes in (sort of) 3-D! I think mine was red & I spent lots of hours with it. A magical world before electronics!
Well, I saw this one, with lots of "viewing discs" (I'm not sure what they are actually called....) at a garage sale recently for $15.00 and I didn't buy it. What in the world was I thinking??? Talk about something that would have made me happy everytime I looked at it! So guess what? Now I am looking on Ebay and I am determined to buy one - a red one if at all possible. I NEED this in my life (again). So, into Ebay land I go - wish me luck! The clover chain (or daisy chain) silver bracelet was inspired by the clover chains I used to make when I was a child - the clover chains were happening at about the same time as the Viewmaster! Go here to shop the silver clover chain bracelet in my online store! I was recently gifted with this precious little handmade copper enameled bowl - I love using it to store just one little pair of earrings. Sometimes smaller is better! The bowl was made by Louise Coulson of Those cute sterling silver bubble blower earrings really work to blow bubbles - so much unexpected fun in the simple things! Available in my online store - go here to shop! Click the button below to sign my email list for first look at new designs & special offers!
You might be familiar with one of my favorite collections, the Daisy Chain (AKA Clover Chain) Collection - you can see photos below of the jewelry (or go here to see the bracelet in my online store or here to see the short silver daisy chain earrings online).
This little clover flower was the inspiration for this collection. In some parts of the country, kids made daisy chains or dandelion chains & used them as necklaces, bracelets or crowns but where I grew up, in Arkansas, it was clover chains all day long, every carefree summer day! Wow! These silver earrings are supersized! If you love the original jacks earrings (below), but you prefer larger earrings, you'll love these extra large jacks earrings! Still jacks, still fun ---- just a lot more to love. These earrings are part of a group of new jewelry I am working on - all around the theme of "jacks". If you want to know when the new silver jacks jewelry hits the website, click here to join my email list! Click on the image below to shop the original "Jacks" earrings! By the way, the background for both of these images is an original painting called "Little House with Sunset in Sugarcane Field" by my friend, Lauren Clark. Click on this link to find more of her work:
This jacket. Did you know you can wear this type of jacket all year long, even in this hot as can be southeastern part of the US?
Winter? Yes, on those mild sunny days (we have a lot of those where I live). Spring? Perfection. Fall? Just right, a little extra cover on those nice cool nights. Summer? Oh, yes. You know those days when it is just SO HOT so you wear your coolest, breeziest sundress to go out to lunch with friends? And then...surprise!! The A.C. is turned down to about 60 degrees. No worries, whip out your little short sleeve jean jacket and you are prepared no matter how far down they turn the A.C.! LOADS of new silver jewelry making it's way onto the website as we speak, including this light & breezy extra long silver necklace! Sign up for my mailing list so that you will be one of the very first to see all the new things as soon as they hit the website! Click below & you'll be "in"!! New postcards!! I love these. I designed them to be used for wholesale orders but I think they will be useful for all sorts of things....want a postcard?? :) I typically use them when I am at larger art shows; I put my booth number on the back & give them out so that people can find me again without having to follow the yellow brick road! Do you like the look of those silver drop "waterfall" earrings? Click here to get a closer look and shop! Why is this handmade sterling silver necklace so popular? One word: because it's just plain FUN to wear, that's why! It's got lots of jingly, jangly parts (not that you can actually HEAR the parts jingling, but you get the idea) AND it will get you a nice bit of attention and compliments - WHY? Because this handmade necklace is just that different! ~scroll down to have a look at the matching dangle earrings~ By the way, I call these two pieces "waterfall" because that's exactly what they remind me of! Nothing could be better or fresher than clover jewelry for springtime! Above is the necklace, below, earrings! Clover jewelry is great - such fun!
![]() These little sterling silver earrings are very popular - not too long, not too short. These can easily take you from day into night. They are a little bit whimsical since they were inspired by the clover chains we all used to make as kids - you'll remember that time in your life every time you put them on! |
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October 2023